When having a day out on the beach, some good music is not far off with iPods, iPhones, etc and even though listening to the sound of the waves can be very soothing, a catchy tune is always fun. I wanted to know what others listened to while at the beach, so I asked following […]

Yoga on the Beach
Yoga on the beach ~ a beautiful phrase including two words that just ooze relaxation and boost retreat package sales mid-January. Most of us who practice yoga here in the western world are used to classes held in immaculate studios, on solid wooden floors and sticky mats, where we can go and work up a […]

The Knot So Hard Flip Flop DIY
Another find on Pinterest, a flip flop DIY tutorial or how to pimp up your flip flops! Destri over at The Mother Huddle shows us it`s easy, and the best part, she says: “They only cost me $1.oo. All you need is a pair of inexpensive flip flops, I bought mine at Old Navy for a buck, […]

Beach Workout
I`ve been spending some time on Pinterest and came across this nice beach workout tutorial by Nicole from Pumps & Iron. For your convenience, Nicole has made a visual tutorial: Do each of the 6 moves for 20 seconds. Repeat entire 2-minute circuit 3 times, taking a 30-second break in between each round. Depending on your level […]