Tag Archives: music
Best Beach Music

#BeachChat Recap: Best Beach Music

I always do a recap of #BeachChat the day after for those who missed it, but this time I`m going to do it a bit different. As I know how important it is to have a the best beach music for those Summer getaways, I`ve collected all the favorite songs people answered to question number 3: Q3. […]

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Bavaro Beach, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic

Beach Music

The theme for #beachthursday today and the #beachchat later on Twitter (Don`t forget to join from 2.30 – 3.30 pm EDT!) is BEACH MUSIC. So, which music makes you want to jump on a plane and have yourself a beach vacation? I always think a bit of Reggae, Merengue or Salsa brings that ‘feeling good’ […]

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#BeachChat Beach Music

#BeachChat Topic: Beach Music

What is #BeachChat? #BeachChat is a Twitter chat, hosted by yours truly and co-hosts. It`s very easy, on the last (beach)Thursday of the month, from 2.30 pm till 3.30 pm EDT, we will post a few questions during an hour for you to answer. The questions will be theme related. Being part of the chat […]

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Which song would you put on your beach music playlist?

When having a day out on the beach, some good music is not far off with iPods, iPhones, etc and even though listening to the sound of the waves can be very soothing, a catchy tune is always fun. I wanted to know what others listened to while at the beach, so I asked following […]

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